Minutes of the Bloomington Meeting

August 26, 1958

The meeting, held in conjunction with the A.I.B.S. convention at Indiana University, was called to order at 5 PM, August 26, 1958 by W. S. Barham in Room 306, Union Building. The meeting was attended by approximately 16 members; the Coordinating Committee was represented by Drs. Barham and Reynard.

The following points were discussed:

1. Assessments could be raised if needed with the suggestion of $2.00 for three years.

2. No limitations were recommended for research notes.

3. Directory for members could be issued every second or third year. Lists in intermediate years might include new members or changes of address.

4. Lists of stocks available or desired could be issued every third year with supplements in the intervening years.

5. Retain bibliography as at present.

6. Supplemental lists of new genes should be included but it was felt that a complete list was unnecessary since early issues could be obtained on request. The list in TGC 4 could be cited in subsequent issues.

7. No suggestions were offered for replacing Dr. Barham on the Coordinating Committee.

Favorable comment was made concerning the present handling of TGC affairs.

The meeting was adjourned at 6 PM.

G. B. Reynard

Secretary pro tem.