(Orlova,1991) . The segregation in the F 2 on plants with plumy - type form fruits and rest plants is 22:70, that corresponds to monogenic inheritance: 0 . 90>P>0 . 75, X 2 =0 . 06 . This fact gives basis for the analysis of the dihybrid segregation data AB:Ab:aB:ab, which in our experiment was 62:8:14:8 . Such segregation did not correspond to theoretical independence 51 . 75:17 . 25:17 . 25:5 . 75, because X 2 =8 . 57 ( X 2 theor . =7 . 81) . The frequency of genes recombination r=30 . 5±3 . 9% . According to known data gene o (ovate) is located on chromosome 2, position 55 (Rick et al . , 1987) . In the segregation F 2 (Volganin, d x Mh . Florida, d + ) the gene fpo had not manifested coupling with the gene d (chrom . 2, position 70) . It means that gene fpo there is on the other side of gene "o" on chromosome 2, or in the position 25, near with gene "mgh" (marginal necrotic) . Gene fpo may be used in the breeding of varieties suited for combine harvesting . Table 1 . Inheritance of the force of fruit putting out in hybrid combination Vkusny - j x Volganin - j Sample Number of plants The force of fruit putting out average min Max Relation of number plants with weak force of putting out to rest plants in F 2 Vkusny - j (P 1 ) 10 0 . 84±0 . 046 0 . 57 1 . 08 - Volganin - j (P 2 ) 20 1 . 56±0 . 067 1 . 13 2 . 20 - F 1 (P 1 x P 2 ) 9 1 . 08±0 . 089 0 . 74 1 . 43 - F 2 (P 1 x P 2 ) 92 1 . 38±0 . 096 0 . 48 2 . 48 16:76 F 2 plants with different fruit form Plumy - type (ovate) 22 1 . 07±0 . 097 0 . 53 2 . 09 8:14 Rest group 70 1 . 47±0 . 098 0 . 48 2 . 48 8:62 Literature cited: 1 . Avdeyev Y . I . Genetic analysis of stems and fruits traits of the Cucumis sativus L . J . Cytology and genetics, No . 5, 1994, p . 34 - 46 (in Russian) . 2 . Orlova N . N . Genetic analysis . B . 1991, Moscow, p . 317 (in Russian) . 3 . Rick C . Mutschler, M . Tanksley S . Linkage maps of the tomato . TGC Report, 37, 1987, pp . 5 - 34 .

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