LA Line Chrom . 4241 LS40 - 2 3 4242 LS14 - 8 3 4243 LS1 - 3 3 4244 LS10 - 9 4 4245 LS10 - 11A 4 4246 LS49 - 8B 4 4247 LS12 - 9 4 4248 LS11 - 6 5 4249 LS9 - 1 5 4250 LS49 - 8C 5 4251 LS49 - 3 5 4252 LS32 - 11 5 4253 LS11 - 11B 6 4254 LS32 - 14 6 4255 LS38 - 5 6 LA Line Chrom . 4256 LS9 - 22 6 4257 LS46 - 3 7 4258 LS19 - 7 7 4259 LS32 - 4 7 4260 SL - 7F 7 4261 LS8 - 11 7 4262 20 - 16 6, 8 4263 LS46 - 6A 3, 8 4264 LS9 - 26A 8 4265 LS9 - 26B 8 4266 SL - 8A 8 4267 LS16 - 10 8 4268 LS14 - 7 9 4269 LS12 - 2 9 4270 LS10 - 6A 9 LA Line Chrom . 4271 LS49 - 5 9 4272 LS41 - 11 9 4273 LS12 - 8 10 4274 LS4 - 14 10 4275 SL - 10 10 4276 LS12 - 12 4, 10 4277 LS24 - 11 11 4278 LS3 - 2 9, 11 4279 LS19 - 11 11 4280 LS1 - 5 11 4281 LS13 - 13 12 4282 LS45 - 7 12 4283 LS8 - 9 12 4284 LS9 - 13 12 2 . 2 .   Alien Substitution Lines (7) In the course of his study of segregation and recombination in L . esculentum x pennellii hybrids, Rick (Genetics 26:753 - 768, 1969; Biol . Zbl . 91:209 - 220, 19 progressively backcrossed certain chromosomes of L . pennellii LA0716 into L . esculent Selected heterozygotes of later generations were selfed and subsequent progenies free of L . 71) um .   len re selec as the substitu line h ome 6 titution 4 u elected LP mar e al het ygosity , G 135:1 , 1993) lo s u e in escu tion tum mark s .   The c f at ers we romos sidu ted subs z (LA31 2) was rther s with RF kers to elimin re ero (Weide et al . enetics ated .   175 - 1186 . The mutant ci used to elect each substit tion ar dic LA Chrom . Marker Loci 2091 1 au, dgt, inv, scf 1639 2 Me, aw, m, d 1640 3 sy, bls, sf 3469 4 clau, ful, ra, e, su 3 LA Chrom . Marker Loci 3142 6 yv, ndw, m - 2, c 1642 8 l, bu, dl, al 1643 11 j, hl, a 2 . 3 .   Backcross Recombinant Inbreds (99) . The following group of backcross recombinant inbred lines originated from the cross n has been genotyped at 127 ata are available from the So Geno et of 99 lines has been selecte e a perman resol A1589 pinellifolium parent L . esculentum x L . pimpinellifolium (Doganlar et al . Genome 45: 1189 - 1202, 2002) . The result of 2 BC’s and at least 6 generations of inbreeding via single seed descent, the lines are high zygou ly homo s (residual heterozygosity ~3%) .   The populatio files, and QTL d marker loci, and the corresponding maps, map lanaceae me Network (www . sgn . cornell . edu) . This s d for optimum mapping resolution using the MapPop software, and provid ent, high ution mapping population .   LA4139 LA4229 BC - RIs LA4024 L . esculentum parent (E - 6203) L . pim L

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