We also found an association of fruit size with fruit shape and ribbing . Thus, the higher the mean fruit weight of a variety, the higher proportion of flattened vs . round fruits . In the same way, the frequency of intermediate - strong ribbing (2 - 3) was higher in big - sized varieties than in small - sized ones . Because of that, there are no varieties with ribbed fruits and mean fruit weight lower than 30 g . In the same w s were usually small - fruited (<55 g) . In addition, several varieties yielded pseudofruits, suggesting they are adapted to short growing seasons w Although we found veral of them (in particular fruit color) show a mono or oligogenic control . Therefore, despite the variation obse he species suffered in the process of introduction fro urop ite their un nable , t ight be narrow .    Literature cited IPGRI 1996 . Descripto Genetic Resources Institute, Male, C . J . 1 h garden . Workman Publishing any ork Nuez, F . 1995 . Desarroll pp . 625 - 669 . In: F . Nuez (ed . ) . El cultivo del t mate . s Rick, C . M . 1978 . The tom ay, “yellow” varietie ith cold periods . a high degree of variation for the fruit traits we studied, se rved, t genetic bottleneck that this m E e to North America (Rick, 1978) suggests that, desp questio value he genetic base of North American heirloom varieties m rs for tomato ( Lycopersicon spp . ) . International Plant Rome . for the American 999 . 100 , eirloom tomatoes Comp New Y . o de nuevos cultivares, o Mundi - Pren a, Madrid . ato . Scientific American 239:76 - 87 .

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