tomato genotypes may result in vast polymorphism of fruit forms . Besides the fruit form may be also cond itioned by other nuclear genes, increasing the polymorphism of the trait . In the tomato collection studied we observed varieties with fruit diameter from 2 to 12 idth (dfw - diameter of fruit width) and diameter by height (diameter of fruit height) . The described gene . Kirillova G . , Lukianenko A . Genetics of tomato . B . Genetics of cultural crops . Leningrad, cm in height and from 1 . 5 to 14 cm in width . In connection with facts of the mutation of fruit diameter we propose to introduce together with described genes o - O, the registration genes of diameter by w of small diameter in the mutant of Transnovinka variety we propose to mark as dfw (d ~ 2 . 2 cm) and its allele in initial variety of Transnovinka as dfw - 1 (d . ~ 4 . 5 cm) . Literature cited: 1 . Rick C . , Mutschler M . , Tanksley S . Linkage maps of the tomato . TGC Report, No . 37, 1987, pp . 5 - 34 . 2 1990, pp . 164 - 206 (in Russian) .

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