Kerr, E.A.

Stunted - stu: another small plant mutation possibly on Chromosome 5.


Stunted is a small plant mutation that occurred in the breeding line Ont 754. Plants are 1/4 normal size. Some leaves develop necrotic spots resembling PAN injury. Severely affected leaves may become necrotic and fall off. The upper leaves become cupped and purple. Symptoms in the greenhouse are not as severe and are usually on the sunny side of the plant. No suggestions of close linkage were obtained with m-2-c-sp, gs-pdw, marm, u-h, j, hp or vo. Data for genes on the other chromosomes are given in the table. Chromosome 5 appears to be the most likely location of stu but further studies with genes on Chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 4 might be rewarding.