In the course of preparing this list and in other recent experience, the need has become apparent for a clarification of the system for naming and applying symbols for new mutants. The following items, which conform to the recently adopted system of the International Committee on Genetic Nomenclature, are intended as a supplement to the list of rules published in Journal of Heredity 46:22-26, 1955. It is intended that new names and symbols will conform to these rules, although we realize that exceptional situations requiring deviations may arise.

Part 3 of the original rules states "Mutant genes are designated by letter symbols. The mutant name comprises an adjective or noun or combination of both that refers to the main diagnostic feature of the phenotype. The initial letter of the symbol should be the same as that of the name; additional appropriate letters are added as necessary to distinguish it from other symbols already in use." Although this is a clear statement, it has not been adhered to in some recent instances, and amplification is needed to meet some newly arisen situations. We hope that before publication of a new symbol, the corresponding gene will be checked for allelism with other genes of similar phenotypes for duplication of previously existing symbols, and for conformity with the adopted rules.

The following rules have therefore been propos6d to clarify tomato gene nomenclature. We urge all members to adhere to them in order to minimize confusion and to improve the naming and symbolizing of new mutants.

1. Special effort should be expended to find appropriate names for new mutants. (Latin names or their English derivatives are recommended for their international meanings although this matter obviously cannot be made mandatory.)

2. The symbol should consist of no more letters or numerals than necessary to distinguish it from all other existing symbols. (Lengthy symbols may have reference value to the discoverer, but are of no significance to other workers who are often likely to make greater use of the mutants than the discoverer. When the length of the symbol approaches that of the name from which it was derived, it no longer is a symbol and becomes too cumbersome for genetic notation.)

3. Symbols for mimics of a single series should not be composed of various permutations of the letters of the same name. If a name is adopted for a series of mimics, all members of that series should be designated by the same name and symbol with proper numerical subscripts.

4. Much confusion will be avoided by clearing names and symbols with the Chairman of either the Gene List Committee or Coordinating Committee at the earliest opportunity. (Such action will settle matters of priority and assist the investigator by assigning a reasonably permanent symbol to his mutant. Permanence cannot be guaranteed because unknown earlier or simultaneous publication might establish priority.)

Since the 1954 list was issued at least 172 new genes have been reported. These are included in Table II below, together with references, seed sources, and descriptions. Table I contains a condensed version of the TGC 4 list.

Symbols in both lists have been revised when subsequent tests have indicated allelism, symbol conflicts have occurred, or symbols have not followed the revised nomenclatural rules. Parentheses following the preferred gene symbol contain synonyms or former designations. Where no priority symbol is listed, the parentheses enclose genes quantitative in expression or genes of doubtful existence. As in the 1954 list TGC references cite report and page number.

Wherever possible two independent sources have been located for each gene. Some of the Cooperative members kindly offering to supply these genes have not heretofore stocked them. Such sources will not be able to supply seeds until after the 1959 field harvest. Anyone willing to stock genes presently having only one source should contact C. D. Clayberg. All assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Descriptions note only the main characters. More complete accounts are frequently given in the references.


Symbol           Name                 Seed Source  

a\1(a)           anthocyaninless      PAY  Bur     
ad               Alternaria           A    K       
ag               anthocyanin          B    R       
al (a\2)         anthocyanin          B    R       
an               anantha              St   Paddock 
an^2 (ca)        cauliflower      Paddock  NC      
ap               apetalous            Bur  R       
as\1             asynaptic-1          Soost        
as\2             asynaptic-2          Soost        
as\3             asynaptic-3          Scost        
as\4             asynaptic-4          Soost        
as5              asynaptic-5          Soost        
at               apricot              Jenkis  R    
aw               without              Dennet  NC   
B                Beta-carotene        Tomes R       
bk               beaked               B    C       
br               brachytic            B    R       
bu (fru, fru\ab) bushy                B    PAY     
c                potato leaf          B    PAY     
cb               cabbage                           
Cf\1(Cf\sc)        resistance to      K    A       
Cf\2 (Cf\p1)          "  -2           K    A       
Cf\3 (Cf\p2)          "  -3           K    A       
Cl\1             Cleistogamous-1      R    NC      
cl\2             Cleistogamous-2      R    NC      
d\1 (d,rob^imm)  dwarf-1              B    C            
(d\1)^x (d^x)    extreme dwarf-1      R    C            
d\1              dialytic             R    NC           
dm (d\2)         dwarf modifier       B    PAY          
dv               dwarf virescent      R    C            
e (b)            entire               B    R            
el (e)           elongate             B    Pollack      
ex               exserted             R    Pollack      
f                fasciated            B    Bur          
fl               fleshy               B    PAY          
(G)              (interacts                             
                 with r)                           
g                grooved              C    WW           
gs               green stripe         R    NC           
H                Hairs absent         B    R            
hi               hairless             B    Bur          
I                Immunity to          PAY  NC           
j\1(j,lf)        jointless-1          Bur  R            
(K)              (interacts                            
                 with r)                     
l\1(l,rub)       lutescent-1          B    R            
Lc               Locule               PAY  NC           
(lc\1, lc\2, lc\3)                                       
                (control locule number)                         
lg               light green          B    PAY          
m                mottled              B    C            
mc               macrocalyx           HWY  R            
ms\1             male-sterile-1                         
ms\2             male-sterile-2       R    C        
ms\3             male-sterile-3       R    Bur      
ms\4             male-sterile-4       R    Pollack  
ms\5             male-sterile-5       R    C        
ms\6             male-sterile-6       R    NC       
ms\7             male-sterile-7       R    Bur      
ms\8             male-sterile-8       R    NC       
ms\9             male-sterile-9       R    Bohn     
ms\10            male-sterile-10      R    NC       
ms\11            male-sterile-11      R    Pollack  
ms\12            male-sterile-12      R    Bur      
ms\13            male-sterile-13      R    NC       
ms\14            male-sterile-14      R    NC       
ms\15            male-sterile-15      R    C        
ms\16            male-sterile-16      R    Pollack  
ms\17            male-sterile-17      R    NC       
ms\18            male-sterile-18      R    NC       
mt               midget                             
n (nt)           nipple               B    HWY      
nc               narrow               B    K        
ne               necrotic                  PAY      
o                ovate                B    C        
(O, O',o)        (Sperical,                         
O^1 (ol)         Oval                 R  Deett      
p                peach                B    C        
pe               sticky epidermis     B    PAY      
pi               pistillate           R    NC       
pr               propellor            B    R        
ps (va)          positional           B    C        
r                yellow flesh         R   Bhn       
rc               rolled                              
ri               ridged               Nc  Glbert    
ro               rosette              B    C        
rv               reticulate           R    WW           
s                compound             B    C            
Se               Septoria             A    Tomes        
sl               stamenless           NC   Bishop       
Sm               Stemphyllium         A    Tomes        
sp               self-pruning         B    R           
st               sterile                                
t                tangerine            B    R           
tf  (ct,tri)                                            
                 trifoliate         Dennett HWY         
u (u\1)          uniform              B    R           
ug (u\2)         uniform              B    PAY         
v                virescent                               
Ve               Verticillium         R    Cannon      
vg               vegetative           R    NC          
vi               villous              B    NC          
w\1              wiry-1               B    NC          
w\2              wiry-2                                  
w3 (w2)          wiry-3                                  
wd               wilty dwarf          R    NC          
wf               white  flower        R    Bohn        
Wo               Wooly                B    R           
wt               wilty                B    HWY         
x                modifier of I        PAY  NC          
Xa               Xanthophyllic        B    R           
y                colorless            B    R           
                   fruit skin                            
ys               yellow seedling                         
yv               yellow virescent     R   Gilbert       

Gene symbol  Reference  Seed Source  Character

a\325        TGC 8:9    Bur  K       anthocyaninless-325.  
                                     Completely free
                                     of anthocyanin.
a\332        TGC 9:21   Bur          anthocyaninless-332.  Lacks 
                                     anthocyanin in the seedling   
a\337        TGC 9:22   Bur          anthocyaninless-337.  Lacks 
                                     anthocyanin in the seedling   
a\342        TGC 9:22   Bur          anthocyaniniess-342.  Early 
                                     seedling stem has trace of 
                                     anthocyanin, soon lost.
ac           Guard,                  apocarpous. Highly deformed 
             1945                    multicarpellate and 
                                     apocarpous fruits.
aeg          Stubbe,    St   R       aegrota.  Brown necrotic
             1957                    layer spreads over leaves,
                                     which die prematurely.
ah           TGC 8:33   R    WW      Hoffman's anthocyaninless.
                                     Completely free of
ang          Stubbe,    St   B       angustifolia.  Reduced,
             1958                    sometimes chlorotic, narrow
                                     leaves; slow growth.
ar           Stubbe,    St   B       arrecta.  Small compact
             1958                    plants; younger leaves
                                     yellow-green, later normal
as\6         TGC 8:14   C            asynaptic-6.  Delayed and
                                     asynaptic meiosis; 
                                     chromatin degeneration.  
                                     Possibly two loci involved.
atn (at)     Stubbe,    St   B       attenuate.  Narrow pointed
             1958                    leaves, yellow-green, 
                                     purple below; rigid 
                                     cylindrical habit; 
                                     thin shoots.
au (brac)    Lesley &   Lesley WW    aurea.  Bright yellow
              Lesley,                foliage, often whitish; 
              1956                   pale yellow corolla and 
bc (bi)      Stubbe,    St   B       bicolor.  Young leaves
              1958                   mottled brownish
                                     olive-normal, later glazed
                                     dark green; short
                                     internodes; heterozygote
                                     intermediate for some
bg           TGC 8:38-39             Resistance of fruit to 
bi           Mertens &  Bur  C       bifurcate inflorescence.
              Burdick,               With f and causes extreme
              1954                   fasciation of the "ring
bl           Rick &     R    WW      blind.  Stem terminates in
              Butler,                first inflorescence; 
              1956                   midribs may develop 
                                     adventitious shoots.
bn           TGC 8:20-21 Brown WW    blunt. Variable stamenless,
                                     usually with petaloid
                                     stamens adnate to pistil;
                                     leaf segments obtuse.
Bt           TGC 8:38-39             Susceptibility of fruit to
btl          TGC 9:48                brittle.  Growth ceases 
                                     with first flowering; 
                                     progressive defoliation; 
                                     temperature sensitive.
bu^hem       Stubbe,    St   B       Fructicosa^hemiglobosa.
 (fru^hem)    1958                   Phenotype like
                                     bu except leaves longer,
                                     more lax; heterozygote
                                     intermediate in some 
bul          Stubbe,    St   B       bullata.  Leaf surface
              1958                   blistered, chlorotic with
                                     network of darker veins;
                                     short internodes.
car          Stubbe,    St   R       carinata.  Shortened 
              1957                   keeled pinnae, dark 
                                     gray-green color; 
                                     deformed flowers;
                                     elongate fruits.
cla          Stubbe,    St   R       clara. Yellowish green leaf
              1957                   color, purple veins and
                                     petioles; incompletely
clau         Stubbe,    St   B       clausa.  Cleistogamous; 
              1958                   leaf lamina foreshortened,
                                     excessively divided, long
                                     petioled; flattened fruits.
cm           Rick &     R    B       curly mottled.  Strong
              Butler,                virus-like mottling and
              1956                   distortion of leaves and
                                     abortion of flowers; highly
                                     sensitive to environment.
cn (ca)      Stubbe,    St   B       cana.  Cotyledons and
              1958                   leaves gray-green 
                                     on undersides; tiny
                                     unbranched plants.
co           Stubbe,    St   B       cochlearis.  Reduced
              1958                   gray-green leaves with
                                     concave spoon-shaped
                                     leaflets; small plants of
                                     normal habit.
con          Stubbe,    St   R       convalescens. Yellow-green,
              1957                   paler at growing point;
                                     variably depressed growth.
cr           TGC 8:38-39             Resistance of fruit to
                                     radial cracking.
cs           TGC 5:17   Hafen K      corollaless.  Corolla and
                                     androecium sepaloid, stigma
                                     irregular and protruding.
Cu           Young,     R            Curl.  Mid- and lateral
              1958                   veins and petiole greatly
                                     foreshortened producing
                                     crumpled leaf; homozygous
cv (cu)      Stubbe,    St   B       curvata.  Young stem curves
              1958                   from node to node; dark
                                     rugose leaves; dwarf 
                                     compact habit; heterozygote 
                                     intermediate for some 
(d\1)^cr     Stubbe,    St   R       robusta^crispata. Allele of
(rob^crisp)   1957                   phenotype intermediate
                                     between d\1 and (d\1)^x.
d\2          TGC 9:24   Bur          dwarf-2.  Slow-growing
                                     plant with n normal stem
                                     and leaf proportions;
                                     semi sterile; 
                                     good when 3 weeks old.
de           Stubbe,    St   B       declinata.  Great reduction
              1958                   in size of all parts; 
                                     leaves dark yellow-green, 
                                     leaflets roll toward 
deb          Stubbe,    St   R       debilis.  Leaves emerge
              1957                   yellowish; necrotic
                                     mottling, whitish, later
                                     brown, often constricting
                                     leaves in middle.
def          Stubbe,    St   R       deformis.  Seedlings normal,
              1957                   later leaves becoming
                                     progressively reduced,
                                     filiform, with adnate
                                     segments; deformed flowers
                                     and reduced fertility.
deli         Stubbe,    St   B       deliquescens.  Early habit
              1958                   dense, later loosely
                                     parting; shortened 
                                     yellowish leaves with 
                                     narrow acute segments.
dep          Stubbe,    St   R       deprimata.  Slightly
              1957                   depressed growth; dainty,
                                     darker leaves.
depa         Stubbe,    St   B       depauderata.  Very small
              1958                   plants with short
                                     internodes; leaflets bowed,
                                     color variable, mostly
di           Stubbe,    St   B       divergens.  Rachis very
              1958                   short, leaf color yellowish
dil          Stubbe,    St   R       diluta.  Dull light
              1958                   green, small, rough leaves,
                                     plants half normal size.
dim          Stubbe,    St   B       diminuta.  Somewhat smaller
              1958                   plants and leaves,
                                     shortened internodes; older
                                     leaves gray-green with
                                     violet veins.
dis          Stubbe,    St   B       discolor.  Leaf color light
              1958                   green with virescent 
                                     growing regions, 
                                     darker veins.
ds           TGC 8:28   R            dwarf sterile.  Stunted
                        Bur          plants with short 
                                     and reduced leaves;
                                     partially male-sterile
ec           TGC 6:33-  PAY  K       exserted carpels.
ele          Stubbe,    St   R       elegans.  Leaves small and         
              1957                   dainty, yellow-green; tiny
elu          Stubbe,    St   R       eluta.  Yellow-green leaves;      
              1957                   strong branching tendency;
                                     slight growth depression.
er           Stubbe,    St   B       erects.  Dwarf bushy plants,
              1958                   short internodes; shortened
                                     dark green leaves;
                                     heterozygotes intermediate.  
exl (ex)     Stubbe,    St   B       exiles.  Very small plant;
              1958                   tiny plicate leaves of light
                                     gray-green color
fir          Stubbe,    St   B       firma: Broad, blunt leaf
              1958                   segments; bushy cylindrical
                                     plants; foreshortened

fla          Stubbe,    St   R       flavescens.  Light green
              1958                   leaves with fewer segments;
                                     variably reduced plant size.
flav         Stubbe,    St.  B.      flavida.  Leaves yellowish
              1958                   mottled yellowish green, 
                                     small; heterozygote interme-
                                     diate for some traits.
fu           Stubbe,    St.  K.      fusiformis. Early growth
              1958                   habit bushy, spindle shaped;
                                     leaves shortened, curved
                                     upwards, shiny yellowish,
                                     paler at growing point.
ful          Stubbe,    St.  R.      fulgens.  Yellow at growing
              1957                   point, older leaves 
                                     becoming greener; golden 
                                     yellow in field; yellow 
                                     unripe fruit color.
Fw           Rick &     R    HWY     Furrowed.  Deeply furrowed,
              Butler,                dark green cotyledons;
              1956                   severely stunted plant;
                                     homozygous inviable.
gf           TGC 6:17,  K    R       green flesh.  Persistent
                                     chlorophyll giving ripe
                                     fruit dirty purplish-brown
gh (ab)      TGC 6:5-7, St   K       ghost.  Incomplete
                 6:32   Bur          chlorophyll deficiency,
                                     starting green, later
                                     breaking to white.
gil          TGC 9:37   St           gilva. Yellow
                                     cotyledons; highly
                                     variable ratios.
glau         Stubbe,    St   K       glaucescens.  Leaves
              1958                   shortened, dull green to
                                     yellowish gray-green; small
                                     upright habit.
glo          Stubbe,    St   R       globosa.  Short internodes
              1957                   and leaves, pale green
                                     color; incompletely
gq           Rick &     R    K       grotesque.  Irregular
              Butler,                androecium; pistil variably
              1956                   twisted, elongated, ridged,
                                     or lobed.
gr           TGC 8:22   K  Paddock   green ripe.  Resembles gf,
                                     except that center of fruit
                                     turns red.
gra          Stubbe,    St   K       gracilis.  Very small
                                     unbranched delicate plants;
                                     much reduced leaves
                                     yellowing at margins.
hp\1 hp\2    Thompson,  Thompson K   high pigment-l,-2.
 (bs, dr)                            Intensify chlorophyll,
                                     carotenoids, ascorbic acid
                                     of fruit.
ht           TGC 9:42   R            hastate.  Primary and 
                                     mature leaves elongate, 
                                     more entire, fewer lobed;
                                     abortive and deformed
ig           Stubbe,    St   K       ignava.  Dwarf upright,
              1958                   little branched; leaves
                                     relatively large, light
imb          Stubbe,    St   R       imbecilla.  Weak plant with
              1957                   few branches; younger 
                                     leaves bright yellow-green, 
                                     older light green.
in           Stubbe,    St   K       indiga.  Small, dainty,
              1958                   nearly unbranched plants;
                                     shortened light gray-green
inc          Stubbe,    St   K       incurva.  Leaf segments
              1958                   weakly curved, undulate
                                     margins; stems, leaf veins,
                                     and inflorescence crooked.
inf          Stubbe,    St   K       infirma.  Tiny plant with
              1957                   very short internodes;
                                     leaves small, plicate,
                                     strongly down-curved.
int          Stubbe,    St   K       integerrima.  Leaflets
              1958                   almost entire, terminal
                                     enlarged, yellowish color.
intro        Stubbe,    St   K       introflexa.  Leaves tend to
              1958                   roll toward upper side, 
                                     dull gray-light green; 
                                     shortened internodes; 
                                     excessively branched.
inv          Stubbe,    St   K       invalida.  Small dainty
              1957                   plants; irregular chlorotic
                                     flecks, later leaves
irr          Stubbe,    St   K       irregularis.  Shortened
                                     leaves, irregularly veined,
                                     darker green, yellow tinged.
j\2          Rick,      R    K       jointless-2.  Jointless
              1956                   elongate pedicel;
                                     teratological calyx;
                                     proliferated inflorescence;
                                     elongate fruit.
jug          Stubbe,    St   R       jugata.  Fasciated stems 
              1957                   and fruits; short 
                                     internodes; inflorescence 
                                     almost sessile.
l\2          TGC 6:17   R    K       lutescent-2.  Premature
                                     yellowing of older leaves;
                                     yellowish unripe fruit.
La           TGC 6:19   Jenkins      Lanceolate.  Simple, entire,
               8:24-25  R            elongate small leaves;
                                     slender stems, excessively
                                     branched; small fruits;
                                     homozygous inviable.
lat          Stubbe,    St   R       lata.  Habit broad at first;
              1957                   growth much depressed in
lo           TGC 6:6-7, WW   R       field.  Reduced locule
ls           TGC 5:6-7, WW   R       lateral suppressor.  Few or
              8:18-19,               no axillary branches;
              8:36-37                suppressed corolla;
luc          Stubbe,    St   WW      lucida.  Leaves bright
              1957                   green, yellow-green at
                                     growing point.
lut          Stubbe,    St   R       lutea.  Leaves yellow-green
              1957                   with darker veins;
                                     growing point much yellower.  
M\345        TGC 8:10   Bur  WW      Mottled-345.
                                     Variable sectoring for
                                     chlorophyll deficiency;
                                     homozygous lethal.
marm         Stubbe,    St   R       marmorata.  Marbeling of
              1957                   several tones of white-light
                                     green bn leaves, strongest
                                     expression in greenhouse.
md(mo)       TGC 8:9-   Bur          mottled-2.  Many small
                   10   R            chlorotic spots on leaves;
                                     temperature dependent.
Me           TGC 5:18   R    C       Mouse ears.  Leaves 3 to
                                     4-pinnately compound with
                                     reduced clavate segments;
                                     shortened internodes;
                                     homozygous viable;
                                     incompletely dominant.
Mi           Gilbert &  Gilbert NC   Meloidogyne incognita. High
              McGuire,               level resistance to the
                                     nematode, M. 
              1956                   incognita.
mn (mi)      Stubbe,    St   K       minuta.  Small upright
              1958                   almost unbranched plants;
                                     shortered leaves
                                     prematurely yellowing.
(mo\B)^+ (I^B) Tomes    Tomes NC     modifier of B.  Reduces
                et al,               content of beta-carotene in
                1954                 presence of B.
mon          Stubbe,    St   K       monstrosa.  Very tiny
              1958                   upright unbranched plants;
                                     leaves much reduced
                                     downcurved ball-shaped;
                                     heterozygote intermediate
                                     for some traits.
ms\19        TGC 5:17   Hafen        male-sterile-19.  Slightly
                        Pollack      shrunken anthers; stigma
                                     mostly protruding; variety
                                     Garden State.
ms\20        TGC 5:17   Hafen        male-sterile-20.  Anther
                        Pollack      tips equal or exceed stigma;
                                     variety Garden State.
ms\21        TGC 5:17   Hafen        male-sterile-21.  Anthers
                        Pollack      and style of equal length;
                                     flowers slightly smaller;
                                     variety Rutgers.
ms\22        TGC 5:17   Hafen        male-sterile-22.  Anthers
                        Pollack      normal length, shrunken;
                                     flower color slightly
                                     lighter; variety Garden
ms\23        TGC 6:26   R   Pollack  male-sterile-23.  Anthers
                                     slender and paler; no
                                     pollen; meiosis delayed
                                     and prolonged; stigmas
                                     depressed; variety Earlypak.
ms\24        TGC 6:26   R   Pollack  male-sterile-24.  Anthers
                                     slightly more slender and
                                     paler; 100% aborted
                                     pollen; meiosis normal;
                                     stigmas mostly exposed;
                                     variety Earlypak.
mult         Stubbe,    St   R       multiflora.  Very greatly
              1957                   increased number of flowers
                                     per inflorescence.
na           Stubbe,    St   R       nana.  Tiny plant with very
              1957                   short leaves and internodes;
                                     leaves plicate, rugose.
nd           TGC 8:10   Bur  WW      netted.  Primary leaves
                                     attenuated and chlorotic;
                                     chlorophyll concentrated
                                     around veins of later
neg          Stubbe,    St   R       neglecta.  Small, weakly
              1957                   branched plants; paler
                                     leaves with darker veins
                                     becoming progressively
                                     necrotic, prematurely
ni           Stubbe,    St   K       nitida.  Leaves long
              1958                   petioled with dainty deeply
                                     cut segments.
not          Stubbe,    St   K       notabilis.  Dainty delicate
              1958                   yellow-green leaves; tends
                                     to wilt in dry, hot weather.
Nr           Rick &     R    K       Never ripe.  Fruits ripen
              Butler,                slowly to a dirty orange
              1956                   color; homozygous viable.
nv           TGC 6:28-  Soost        netted virescent.  Pale
                   29,  C            interveinal areas of
                 7:13                cotyledons and true leaves;
                                     older leaves never with full
                                     green color.
op           Stubbe,    St   K       opaca.  Lighter leaf color,
              1958                   yellow at growing point.
pal          Stubbe,    St   R       pallida.  Light green color;
              1957                   paler corolla; plant size
                                     variable; foliage color
pau          Stubbe,    St   K       pauper.  Tiny weak
              1958                   unbranched plants, tending
                                     to die before fruiting;
                                     marked reciprocal graft
                                     influence with normal.
pc           Clayberg,  C            precocious chromosome
              1958                   division.  Chromosomes
                                     divide prematurely in
                                     meiosis starting in Anaphase 
                                     I and completed in all by
                                     Prophase II; completely
                                     pollen sterile, highly egg 
per          Stubbe,    St   R       perviridis.  Leaves darker
              1957                   green, dropping early,
                                     anthocyanin strong; very
                                     small slow-growing plants.
pg\329       TGC 9:25   Bur          pale-green-329.  Cotyledons
                                     first pale yellow, turn
                                     gray-green, which is mature
                                     plant color; slow growing.
Pi\(T\1) (TR\1) Gallegly &  Gallegly Susceptibility to
                 Marvel,    A        Phytophthora infestans
                 1955                race T\1.  Resistant to 
                                     other races.
pic          Stubbe,    St   NC      picta.  Leaves at first
              1958                   normal green, later turning
                                     yellowish, then brown
                                     necrotic above, some
                                     eventually brown below.
pro          Stubbe,    St   R       procera.  More rapid growth
              1957                   rate; few foliolules, larger
                                     segments entire.
prun         Stubbe,    St   R       prunoidea.  All parts
              1957                   elongate, particularly the
                                     fruit; traits weakly
pt           TGC 9:24   Bur          petite.  Small, slow-growing
                                     chlorotic plants; light
                                     green cotyledons.
pul          Stubbe,    St   NC      pulvinata.  Shortened
              1957                   internodes stronger
                                     branching, elongate
                                     cotyledons; leaflets broad
                                     and much divided.
pum          Stubbe,    St   R       pumila. Tiny dainty plant
              1957                   with few or no branches;
                                     slow growth rate.
pur          Stubbe,    St   R       purilla. Plants much
              1957                   retarded, erect, little
                                     branched; leaf edges yellow
                                     with normal green veins.
r^y (ry)     TGC 6:33,  PAY          reddish yellow. Likely
              7:14-15   Bohn         allele of r with reddish
                                     flesh tones.
ra           Stubbe,    St   NC      rava.  Downcurled, dull
              1957                   gray-green leaves; more
                                     hairy than normal.
re           Stubbe,    St   NC      reptans. Seedlings inclined
              1958                   from epicotyl, mature plants
                                     recumbant; elongate
                                     internodes; less branched.
rela         Stubbe,    St   NC      relaxata.  Lax open habit;
              1958                   tiny plants; light green,
                                     yellow tinged leaves;
                                     heterozygotes intermediate
rep          Stubbe,    St   NC      repens.  Strong creeping
              1958                   tendency even in seedling;
                                     less branching; shortened,
                                     prematurely dying leaves.
rl (ra)      TGC 8:38-39             Resistance of fruit to
                                     radial cracking.
rob\2 (rob II) Stubbe,  St   NC      robusta-2.  Shortened
                1958                 internodes and leaves;
                                     thick, rugose, bluish gray-
                                     green leaves; not allelic;
                                     the mimic, d\1.
ru           Stubbe,    St   NC      ruptilis.  Leaflets narrow,
              1958                   keeled, dull light green,
                                     darker veined; heterozygote
                                     temporarily intemediate.
rust         Stubbe,    St   R       rustica.  Dwarf plants with
              1957                   short internodes; leaves
                                     broad, blunt with fewer
sd           Rick &     R    K       sun dwarf.  Very short,
              Butler,                scarred internodes in high
              1956                   light intensity;
                                     heterozygotes usually
sf           TGC 8:33-  R    WW      solanifolia.  Primary leaves
                   34                entire; segments of later
                                     leaves entire and folded;
                                     filiform Calyx and corolla.
sit          Stubbe,    St   R       sitiens.  Smaller plant,
              1957                   very weak in field; very
                                     short leaves, downcurled,
                                     becoming necrotic and
                                     dropping prematurely.
sl^2^(sl\2)  Hafen &    Hafen WW     stamenless-2.  Nearly
              Stevenson,             stamenless anthers much
              1956                   distorted.  sl^2 to sl^5
                                     likely alleles of sl.
sl^3^(sl\3)  TGC 8:17-  Hafen WW     stamenless-3.  Like sl^2
                   18                except for
                                     greater anther development.
sl^4^(sl\4)  TGC 8:17-  Hafen WW     stamenless-4.  Like sl
                   18                except anthers nearly normal
                                     in winter greenhouse.
sl^5^(sl\5)  TGC 8:17-  Hafen WW     stamenless-5.  No anthers;
                   18                sepal-like petals.
squa         Stubbe,    St    NC     squarrosa.  Small weak
              1958                   plants of squarrose habit,
                                     few branches; small pale
                                     gray-green leaves;
                                     heterozygote intermediate in
                                     color and size.  
stri         Stubbe,    St    R      stricta. Rigid upright 
              1957                   growth; broader blistered 
su           Stubbe,    St    NC     suffulta.  Leaves deeply
              1958                   veined, yellow-tinged;
                                     fruit cluster upright;
                                     strong anthocyanin.
sub          Stubbe,    St    R      subtilis.  Tiny plant with
              1957                   short internodes, fastigiate
                                     habit; narrow acute leaf
suf          Stubbe,    St    R      sufflava.  Uniform light
              1957                   green color.
sul^pura     Hegemann,  St           sulfurea^pura-1-10. Series 
              1958                   of ten alleles
             TGC 8:19-20             with cotyledons greenish
                                     yellow becoming pale yellow,
                                     true leaves pure yellow;
                                     lethal unless grafted on
                                     normal stock.
sulf^(vag 1-3) Hagemann, St          sulfurea^variegata.1-3. True
                1958                 leaves
                                     variegated green-white; 
                                     some homozygotes lethal 
                                     unless grafted.
                                     Three alleles.
Sus          TGC 9:29   St           Subsistens; Growth variably
                                     suppressed; few or no
                                     branches; varied meiotic
                                     abnormalities; homozygous
(Sw\1)^a     Finlay,    NC  Gilbert  Spotted wilt resistance-l^a.
              1953                   Resistance to strains TB\3,
                                     N\1, and R\1. Variety Pearl
(Sw\1)^b     Finlay,    NC  Gilbert  Spotted wilt resistance-l^b.
              1953                   Resistance to strains TB\2.
                                     Variety Rey de los
sw\2         Finlay,    NC  Gilbert  spotted wilt resistance-2.
              1953                   Resistance to strains TB\1,
                                     N\2, R\2, and R\3. Variety 
                                     Rey de los Tempranos.
sw\3         Finlay,    NC  Gilbert  spotted wilt resistance-3.
              1953                   Resistance to strains R\2,
                                     R\3, and M\2.  Variety Rey
                                     de los Temprahos.
sw\4         Finlay,    NC  Gilbert  spotted wilt resistance-4.
              1953                   Resistance to strains M\1,
                                     and M\2. Variety Rey de los
sy           TGC 9:23   Bur          sunny.  Cotyledons green
                                     bleaching to yellow; young
                                     leaves yellow at base, turn
t^v          TGC 6:17-  Lesley       virescent tangerine.  Fruit
                   18   R            and flower color typical of
                                     t; irregular yellowing
                                     near growing point.
tab          Stubbe,    St    R      tabescens.  Normal seedling
              1957                   growth followed by severs
                                     stunting; leaves irregular,
                                     yellow-green, violet veined
                                     with necrotic specklings.
ten          Stubbe,    St    R      tenuis.  Very slow growth;
              1957                   leaves light green,
                                     reticulated with whitish
                                     yellow veins.
Tm\1         Holmes,    C     NC     Tobacco-mosaic virus
              1954                   resistance-1.
                                     Moderate-level resistance.
Tm\2         TGC 8:35-  Soost C      Tobacco-mosaic virus
                   36                resistance-2.  High-level
um           Stubbe,    St    NC     umbrosa.  Mature leaves
              1958                   darker green with wilted
                                     appearance; later growth
uni          Stubbe,    St    NC     unicaulis.  Weak thin
              1958                   upright growth with great
                                     suppression of branching.
va^dec       Stubbe,    St    R      varia^decolorata. Bright
              1957                   yellow-green at growing
                                     point, older leaves
                                     becoming normal green;
                                     dominant to va^virg.
va^virg      Stubbe,    St    R      varia^virgata.  Like va^dec
              1957                   except older leaves retain
                                     yellow in region of veins.
var          Stubbe,    St    R      variabilis.  Leaves light
              1957                   green fading to yellow green
                                     at growing point; slightly
                                     smaller plant with shorter
vel          Stubbe,    St    NC     velutina.  Light
              1957                   yellow-green leaves, paler
                                     at growing point, which has
                                     velvety appearance.
ven          Stubbe,    St    R      venosa.  Variably reduced
              1957                   growth; tiny folded leaves,
                                     whitish yellow with green
ver          Stubbe,    St    NC     versicolor. Younger leaves
              1958                   with fine mottling of 
                                     yellow; green veins.
vio          Stubbe,    St    NC     violacea. Heavy anthocyanin
              1958                   on stems and veins; dull 
                                     light green leaf color.
vir          Stubbe,    St    NC     viridis. Early leaves dark
              1957                   green, third order leaf
vit          Stubbe,    St    NC     vitiosa. Leaves become 
              1958                   progressively more
                                     deformed with twisted,
                                     filiform leaflets.
Wo^m         Rick &     R     C      Morgan's wooly. Pelage on
              Butler,                wooly but less than Wo;
              1956                   homozygous viable;
                                     heterozygote intermediate.
Wo^v         TGC 7:13   Soost C      vanwert wooly.  Denser
                                     hairiness than Wo;
                                     homozygous lethal.
yg\1         TGC 8:35   Thompson     yellow-green-1. All foliage
                                     yellow-green, lighter near
                                     growing point.
yg\282       TGC 8:10   Bur   K      yellow-green-282. Foliage
                                     chlorotic yellow-green under
                                     all conditions; long
yg\330       TGC 9:23   Bur          yellow-green-330. Resembles
                                     yg\333 with leaves
                                     appearing ragged.  
yg\333       TGC 8:10-  Bur          yellow-green-333. Foliage
                   11                chlorotic yellow-green under
                                     all conditions; leaves more
                                     deeply serrate, edges

Clayberg, C.D., 1958 Genetically determined precocious centromere division in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Proc. 10th int. Cong. Genet. Montreal 2:53. (abstract)

Finlay, K.W., 1953 Inheritance of spotted wilt resistance in the tomato. II. Five genes controlling spotted wilt resistance in four tomato types. Austral. Jour. Biol. Sci. 6:153-163.

Gallegly, M.E., and M.E. Marvel, 1955 Inheritance of resistance to tomato race 0 of Phytophthora infestans.. Phytopath. 45:103-109.

Gilbert, J.C., and D.C. McGuire, 1956 Inheritance of resistance to severe root knot from Meloidogyne incognita in commercial type tomatoes. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sei. 68:437-442.

Guard, A.T., 1945 An abnormal fruit character in tomato. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci- 55:46-47.

Hafen, L., and E.C. Stevenson, 1956 A stamenless tomato mutant with abnormal corolla. Jour. Hered. 47:297-298.

Hagemann, R., 1958 Somatische Konversion bei Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Z. Vererb.-Lehre 89:587-613.

Holmes, F.O., 1954 Inheritance of resistance to infection by tobacco-mosaic virus in tomato. Phytopath. 44:640-642.

Lesley, J.W., and M.M. Lesley, 1956 Effect of seed treatments with X-ray and Phosphorus 32 on tomato plants of first, second, and third generations. Genetics 41:575-588.

Martens, T.R., and A.B. Burdick, 1954 The morphology, anatomy, and genetics of a stem fasciation in Lycopersicon esculentum. Am. Jour. Bot. 41: 726-732.

Rick, C.M., 1956 Genetic and systematic studies on accessions of Lycopersicon from the Galapagos Islands. Amer. Jour. Bot. 43:687-696.

Rick, C.M., and L. Butler, 1956 Cytogenetics of the tomato. Advances in Genetics 8:267-382.

Stubbe, H., 1957 Itatanten der Kulturtomate Lycopersicon esculentum Miller I. Kulturpfl- 5:190-220.

Stubbe, H., 1958 Mutanten der Kulturtomate Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. II. Kulturpfl. 6:89-115.

Thompson, A.E., 1955 Inheritance of high total carotenoid pigments in tomato fruits. Science 121:896-897.

Tomes, M.L., F.W. Quackenbush, and M. McQuistan, 1954 Modification and dominance of the gene governing formation of high concentrations of Beta-carotene in the tomato. Genetics 39:810-817.

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A    C.F. Andrus    K   E.A. Kerr           St   H. Stubbe
B    L. Butler      NC  North Central       WW   W. Williams
Bur  A.B. Burdick       Regional Station    HWY  H.W. Young
C.D. Clayberg           U.S.D.A.            PAY  P.A. Young
                    R   C.M. Rick
Gene List Committee

C. D. Clayberg, Chairman

L. Butler P. A. Young

C. M. Rick