An improved jointless tomato?

Munger, H. M.

We have been working in a small way at Cornell for several years to develop a better jointless tomato than Stemless Pennred which with us was too late, unproductive, and hard to pick (i.e., the pedicel separated from the fruit with difficulty and the core frequently came out in the picking). Our most encouraging Progeny to date is 58-62 which is an F4 of [(Stemless Pennred x Valiant^3) x Longred^2] x Valnorth. This progeny is entirely jointless, fairly early, has clusters of 3 or 4 fruits, and looks normally productive as far as one can tell from a single row. The cluster terminates in a small and inconspicuous leaflet. Many visitors in 1958 commented on the ease of picking. I would not consider this a determinate tomato, and I think none of its parents is determinate. It is segregating for immature fruit color and is not being considered for release. Seed from either U or u plants is available to other workers who may be interested in trying it or using it as a parent.