Linkage tests with the aurea mutant (au).

Butler, L.

J. W. Lesley sent me seed of this mutant which he had named and described as a chlorophyll deficient type. This mutant grows well in the adult stage and under high light conditions it is perfectly viable in the seedling stage. Under the low light intensities and poor germinating conditions which we encounter in the fall and winter, it behaves differently from any of the other known types. Germination is retarded, the first au plants come up in eight days, and the germination of the rest is spread over the next six weeks. The hypocotyl in the au plants is 2 to 3 times as long as the hypocotyl on au+ plants in the same flat.

The following linkage tests have been performed and indicate that this mutant is probably in group III or V:

           Repulsion segregations

Tester    + +    + tester    au +    au tester    chi square

  aw      126        40       25          5        .33
   d      129        37       26          4        .35
   m      126        40       25          5        .33
   r      137        46       37          3        .01 
  br      519       254      152         20      31.6
   c      458       129      117         43        .61
  pe      133        50       50          7       5.00
   u      140        44       45         12        .17
   a      491       163      125         31       1.36
  hl      746       389      263         73      23.1
  mc      102        40       40          6       4.17
   e      161        67       40         13        .73
  wf      102        40       19         12        .70
  pr      597       114      153         32        .87