Mutations in L. esculentum and L. pimpinellifolium produced by therml neutron and X-irradiation of seed.

Martens, T. R.

R2 progenies from 55 R1 plants were germinated in the green-house in May, 1955, and were subsequently removed to the field. A total of eight "visible" mutations appeared among the 55 progenies. Most of these mutations were evident in seedling stage.

New                             (footnotes on following page)
Mutant     Description
Accession  of                                    Genetic
Number     Mutation         Line   Irradiation   Behavior
m-1        Anthocyanin-     018*   18,000r       True-breeding
           less                                  recessive

m-2        Mottled          018    10hrs N\TH\^1/True-breeding
           chlorophyll                           recessive

m-3        Excess           018    6,000r        Recessive;      
           anthocyanin                           plants
                                                 dwarfed; fail
                                                 to bloom

m-4        Netted           226**  24,000r       True-breeding     
           chlorophyll                           recessive;     

m-5        Dwarf            226    36,000r       Sterile;       
m-6        Light green      228**  10hrs N\TH    Recessive;       
                                                 often difficult
m-7        Light green      228    10hrs N\TH    Recessive with
           lethal                                impaired 
m-8        Cream-color      228    10hrs N\TH    Recessive with
           lethal                                normal

(footnotes for preceding table)
 * Red Cherry  inbred.
** 2N ex-haploids derived from the same haploid pimpinellifolium.
    1/ at flux of Ca. 8x10^8 N\th/sq. cm./sec.

In adition to the mutants listed in the table and which segregated with a frequency approximating a 3:1 ratio, two sectoring plants were recovered in the 55 R2 progenies. These mutations appeared as parts of single plants in sizeable R2 progenies. The more striking of these was a pure white, anticlinal sector which appeared in a line 226 R2 (6,000r) of 540 plants. The white sector had viable pollen and set fruit by selfing and outcrossing. The R3 generation has not yet been grown from this sector.

The other sectoring plant appeared in the R2, which also yielded mutation m-4 in the table. This chlorophyll sector appeared to be periclinal in nature; it set seed which was 100 percent viable, but all of the seedlings died in the cotyledon stage.

Mutations m-1, m-2 and m-4 will probably be of greatest value in expanding the linkage maps of the tomato. The anthocyaninless mutation has not yet been tested against the known a loci nor against four more independently-occurring a mutations which have only recently been recovered in R2 generations in the commercial variety, Kokomo. The mottled mutation is phenotypically distinguishable from MacArthur's irradiation-produced mottled, m.