Brittle stem, an apparently new sub-lethal gene in tomato.

Andrus, C.F.

A most peculiar characteristic of the presumably mutant brittle stem gene is that it expresses itself only under field conditions. Plants grown to maturity in the greenhouse are perfectly healthy and produce a good number of fruit. Sister plants transferred to the field before flowering produce no fruit, all flowers abscise, plant growth stops suddenly at the first onset of flowering and stems become brittle to the touch. The character is not completely recessive because heterozygous plants are sometimes detectable in the field. We would like for other tomato breeders to grow this curious sub-lethal stock and help determine the environmental limitations in the expression of sterility. The seed we are offering (2796-1-48-B) is a homozygous inbred stock; observers can expect normal development indoors but complete sterility in the field, unless environmental conditions arise which are outside the present known limitations. We would like to hear from anyone who is already familiar with the developmental pattern involved.