Inheritance of resistance cracking (Introduced by W. A. Frazier).

Hudson, L.

Inheritance data for resistance to concentric, and radial cracking were secured, at Corvallis, Oregon, from the cross of Puck x Stokesdale. While the data are still undergoing analysis, these remarks may be made. Resistance is conditioned primarily by recessive genes. Although inheritance of resistance is complex, a few major genes account for the resistance derived from this cross. Resistance to the radial vs concentric cracking characteristic of these two varieties is, to a considerable degree, inherited independently. A close association exists between dwarf plant type and resistance to concentric cracking and between determinate habit and resistance to radial cracking. These data indicate that, in F1 hybrid combinations being made for possible crack resistance and comercial use, each of the parents should be resistant to both radial and concentric cracking.