Tests for resistance to Oidiopsis sicula.

Ciccarone, A.

The powdery mildew, Oidiopsis sicula Scalia (= Leveillula taurica Arn.) is very dangerous in the Mediterranean area, maybe the most dangerous parasite of the tomato in Sicily and in North Africa. The tests were-made in open fields and randomized. Although time has not permitted a complete evaluation of the tests, the following brief summary of results is presented here for information of TGC members. In the following list, number of lesions per leaflet indicates the degree of susceptibility:

Variety                 Source            No. spots  per leaflet

Panamerican             Asgrow                                34
Gigante                 Sicily                                27
Ohio W. R. Globe        Prof . Alexander                      24
L. teruvianum dentatum  PI 126964                             14
Bonny Best              Prof. Alexander                       12
San Marzano             Sicily                                12
Marmande                Sicily                                10
Precoce                 Sicily                                 8
Pearson                 Asgrow                                 7
It seems therefore that strong differences exist among different varieties and that within the species L. esculentum there are good characters for resistance to Oidiopsis sicula.