Propeller, pr.

Butler, L.

This X-ray mutant is characterized by large persistent cotyledons which when viewed from above have a superficial resemblance to the blades of a propeller. The plumule is retarded and for the first three weeks the plants appear to be without any plumule. During this time the hypocotyl becomes elongated, then a callous formation develops in the axils of the cotyledons. This callous elongates and forms the twisted curly leaves and the distorted stems of this mutant. The plant never grows more than six inches high and the cotyledons remain a conspicuous part of its morphology and photosynthetic apparatus. The mutants usually produce one to three flower clusters but these rarely set fruit. After flowering the plants usually die. This mutant gives good monohybrid ratios and shows no linkage with testers in groups I, VII or VIII.