List of Tomato Genes as of January 1954

At least 108 tomato genes have been described and 120 or more other inherited characters with undetermined inheritance are known. The following table lists the tomato genes and their synonyms to aid tomato breeders and geneticists in identifying tomato characters and to avoid further duplication of gene symbols. It is hoped that this alphabetical list will be accepted as a standard until a better one can be prepared later with the aid of additional information.

The list notes the main phenotypic characters and gives references to their descriptions. Synonyms are listed in parentheses after the priority gene-designation. When a symbol does not follow the revised nomenclatorial rules or has not become well established in the literature, it also is given in parentheses and it is hoped that in future publications these symbols will be changed. One or more seed sources for each gene is given whenever possible. The authors of the original publications may be able to supply seed stocks of the other genes. Anyone who can supply stocks of such genes is requested to tell C. M. Rick about them to aid in completing this list.

A number of new genes have been described only in TGC Reports. These are cited in this list by report and page number. Thus TGC 3:5" means that a description of the gene will be found on page 5 of the 3rd report. Most authors will likely publish descriptions of these genes at a later date in standard publications.

Gene               Seed
symbol  Reference  Source*  Character

a(a\1\)     1       B Y     Anthocyaninless; stems and leaves
                            green, never purple.
ad         17         A     Resistance to Alternaria collar rot
                            of young plants.
ag       TGC 4:9    B R     Andrus' green stem, anthocyanin 
                            appears on cotyledons and lower 
                            sides of leaves when growth is slow.
a1 (a\2\)   1       B R     Anthocyanin loser, purple stems 
                            become green in 10 to 21 days.
an          3               Anantha; flowers greatly modified; 
                            inflorescences compound; closely 
                            resembles ca
ap         13       R B     Apetalous flowers; small corolla;   
                            pollen scarce and nonfunctional.
as\1\      16         R     Asynaptic meiosis; high pollen and  
                            ovule sterility.
as\2\      16         R     Asynaptic meiosis; high pollen and 
                            ovule sterility.
as\3\      16         R     Asynaptic meiosis; high pollen and  
                            ovule sterility.
as\4\      16         R     Asynaptic meiosis; high pollen and   
                            ovule sterility.
as\5\      16         R     Asynaptic meiosis; high pollen and
                            ovule sterility.
at      TGC 2:6       D     Apricot or yellow-pink flesh color.
aw          2         B     Without anthocyanin, green stem.
B           8               High B-carotene, low lycopene.
bk          1       B Y     Beaked fruits; sharp 
                            blossom-end points.
br          1       B R     Brachytic plants with 
                            short internodes.
bu          1       B Y     Bushy stems, short internodes, long 
                            petioles spreading habits.
c           1       B Y     Potato leaf; reduced number of 
                            leaf segments.
ca          9         D     Cauliflower; extremely branched 
                            inflorescence, aborted flowers.
cb          7         D     Cabbage leaf; large dark green  
                            leaves, 1-locule ovaries.
Cf\1\       1         K     Retistance to Races 1 and 3 of 
(Cf\sc\)                    Cladosporium fulvum.
Cf\2\       1         K     Immunity to Races 1 to 4 of 
(Cf\p1\)                    Cladosporium.   
Cf\3\       1         K     Resistance to Races 1 to 4 of 
(Cf\p2\)                    Cladosporium.           
Cl\1\      13         R     Cleistogamous; flowers fail 
                            to open
cl\2\      13         R     Cleistogamous; flowers open 
d(d\1\)     1       B R     Dwarfed plants; leaves dark 
                            and rugosee
d^x     TGC 4:16      R     Extreme dwarf; recessive to 
                            d and d^+.
dl          1       B R     Dialytic; stamens are not 
                            united in a tube.
dm (d\2\)   1       B Y     Dwarf modifier of stem length 
                            causes extreme dwarfing.
dv     TGC 3:23       R     Dwarf virescent; stunted plants.
e (b)      17       B R     Entire or broad leaflets as 
                            in Vilmorin's potato leaf.
el (e)      1         B     Elongation of fruit as in Oxheart.
ex         13         R     Exserted stigmas, or styles twisted
                            in anther tubes.
f           1       B R     Fasciated or many-loculed fruits 
                            as in Ponderosa.
fl          1       B Y     Fleshy calyx; sepals often curled.
(G)        17               Inhibits modifiers; permitting 
                            expression of r.
9          18               Grooved fruits; may be associated
                            with fasciation.
gs      TGC 1:9       R     Green stripes in fruit epidermis, 
                            golden in ripe fruit.
H           1       B R     Non-hairy or smooth stems, 
                            hypocotyl and growing point hairy.
hl          1       B R     Hairless plants; no hairs 
                            on hypocotyl.
I          17         Y     Immunity to race 1 of fusarium 
j           1       B R     Jointless pedicels.
(K)        17               Inhibits modifiers; permitting 
                            expression of t.
l           1       B R     Lutescence; yellowish unripe fruits;
                            premature yellowing of leaves.
Lc         17         Y     Fruits with only 2 or 3 locules; 
                            associated with o-allele.
(lc\1\,    10               Control locule number.
lc\2\, lc\3\)
lf          1       B R     Leafy inflorescence or 
                            running flower trusses.
lg      TGC 4:9     Y B     Light green foliage.
m           1       B R     Mottled leaves and cotyledons.
mc          1       B R     Macrocalyx; sepals leaf-like.
ms         --         R     Male-sterile mutants with the 
                            following characteristics:
ms\1\      11         R     Pale shrunken anthers, no pollen; 
                            hybrid stock.
ms\2\      11         R     Pale shrunken anthers, no pollen; 
ms\3\      11         R     Very Pale shrunken anthers 
                            collapsed pollen mother cells; 
                            San Marzano.
ms\4\      11         R     Pale shrunken anthers, a few 
                            aborted pollen grains; Early Santa
ms\5\      12         R     Abnormally small flowers, very pale
                            and greatly shrunken anthers, 
                            usually no pollen; San Marzano.
ms\6\      12         R     Shrunken pale anthers, no Pollen: 
                            San Marzano.
ms\7\      12         R     Nearly normal-colored, slightly 
                            shrunken anthers, aborted pollen 
                            in tetrads; San Marzano.
ms\8\      12         R     Abnormally small flowers with 
                            exserted stigmas, pale shrunken 
                            anthers, no pollen; San Marzano.
ms\9\      12         R     Anthers nearly normal, no pollen; 
                            San Marzano.
ms\10\     12         R     Abnormally small flowers, small, 
                            very pale anthers, greatly exserted 
                            stigmas, no pollen; San Marzano.
ms\11\     12         R     Very pale shrunken anthers, aborted
                            pollen free or in tetrads; 
                            San Marzano.
ms\12\     12         R     Abnormally small flowers, nearly 
                            normal-colored but shrunken anthers,
                            no pollen; San Marzano.
ms\13\     12         R     Nearly normal anthers, free aborted 
                            pollen; San Marzaro.
ms\14\  TGC 3:19      R     Very pale shrunken anthers,
                            aborted pollen; Earliana.
ms\15\  TGC 3:19      R     Abnormally small flowers with 
                            exserted pistils very pale dwarfed 
                            anthers, no pollen; San Marzano.
ms\16\  TGC 3:19      R     Pale shrunken anthers, clumped 
                            aborted pollen; Pritchard; 
                            discovered by 0. H. Pearson.
ms\17\  TGC 3:19      R     Pale shrunken anthers, no pollen; 
ms\18\  TGC 3:19      R     Exserted stigmas, slightly pale, 
                            very shrunken anthers, no pollen; 
mt          6         D     Midget; all parts of plant reduced;
                            high sterilitv.
n (nt)     17         B     Nipple-tips on fruits.
nc          1         B     Narrow cotyledons; slow growth.
ne          1       B Y     Necrotic leaf spots; slowly kill 
o           1       B Y     Ovate or pear shape fruits.
(O,O',o)   18         Y     Spherical, oblate, and elongate 
ol          2               Ovate fruits with low locule number.
p           1       B R     Peach or pubescent fruits.
pe          1         Y     Sticky fruit epidermis.
pi         13         R     Pistillate flowers.
pr      TGC 4:9       B     Propeller-like cotyledons; 
                                reduced plumule.
ps (va)     5       B R     Positional-sterile flowers, prevents
                            normal opening of corolla.
r           1       B R     Yellow flesh color.
rc         17               Rolled cotyledons.
rl         17               Ridged leaflets.
ro      TGC 4:9       B     Rosette, very short internodes, 
                            no flowers.
rv      TGC 3:23      R     Reticulate virescent; new leaves 
                            pale with dark veins.
s           1       B R     Compound inflorescence; greatly 
                            increased number of flowers.
Se         17         A     Septoria resistance.
sl      TGC 3:6       D     Stamenless.
Sm          4         A     Stemphylium resistance.
sp          1       B R     Self-pruning or determinate stems.
st         17               Sterile plants.
t           1       B R     Tangerine-orange color of flesh 
                            and stamens.
tf (ct) TGC 3:11   23 R     Trifoliate leaf. long petiole.
u (u\1\)    1       B R     Uniform light green color of unripe 
                            fruits; no dark shoulders.
ug (u\2\)   1       B Y     Uniform green color of unripe 
                            fruits; no dark shoulders.
v          17               Virescent white seedlings.
Ve         15         D     Verticillium resistance.
vg         13         R     Vegetative; deformed, usually 
                            functionless flowers.
Vi       TGC 2:2      B     Villous, hairy stems.
w\1\        1         B     Wiry; slender, strap-like leaflets;
                            dwarfed plants.
w\2\     TGC 4:14           Wiry; like w\1\, except ovary more 
wd         14         R     Wilty Dwarf plants; grayish-green, 
                            droopy leaves.
wf         17       Y R     White or tan corolla.
Wo          1       B R     Woolly leaflets and stems.
wt          1       B R     Wilty leaflets; leaf margins curl 
x          17         Y     Ineffective microgametes associated 
                            with I-allele.
Xa          1       B R     Xanthophyllic or yellow leaves.
y           1       B R     Clear, colorless skin on fruits.
ys         17               Yellow lethal seedlings.
yv       TGC 3:23     R     Yellow virescent; new foliage is 
                            pale yellow-green.
Seed Sources:
     A.-C. F. Andrus
     B.-L. Butler
     D.-Discoverer signifies he can supply stock.
     K.-E. J. Kerr
     R.-C. M. Rick
     Y.-P. A. Young
Literature Cited

1. Butler, L., 1952, Jour. Hered. 43: 25-35.

2. Dennett, R. K. and P. E. Larson, 1953, Penn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 563.

3. Helm, J., 1951, Zuchter 21: 89-95.

4. Hendrix, J. W. and W. A. Frazier, 1949, Hawaii Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul. 8.

5. Larson, R. E. and S. Paur, 1948, Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 52: 355-364.

6. Lesley, J. W, 1939, Jour. Hered. 29: 393-394.

7. Lesley, J. W. and M. M. Lesley, 1953, Jour. Hered. 43: 273-276.

8. Lincoln, R. E. and J. W. Porter, 1950, Genetics 35: 206-211.

9. Paddock, E. F. and L. J. Alexander, 1952, Ohio Jour. Sci. 52: 327-334.

10. Powers, L. et al, 1950, U.S.D.A. Tech. Bul. 998.

11. Rick, C. M., 1945, Genetics 30: 347-362.

12. Rick, C. M., 1948, Hilgardia 18: 599-633.

13. Rick, C. M., and J. Robinson, 1951, Amer. Jour. Bot. 639-652.

14. Rick, C. M., 1952, Amer. Nat. 86: 173-184.

15. Schaible, L., 0. S. Cannon and V.Waddoups, 1951, Phytopath 41: 986-990.

16. Soost, R. K., 1951, Genetics 36: 410-434.

17. Young, P. A. and J. W. MacArthur, 1947, Texas Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 698.

18. Zielinski, Q. B., 1948, Genetics 33: 405-428.

Gene List Committee

L. Butler, Chairman

D. W. Darton

P. A. Young

C. M. Rick