TGC REPORT No . 31, 1981 RESEARCH NOTES 10 The hybrids L . pimpinellifolium X F 1 (L . peruvianum X L . hirsutum)also studied last year, gave similar results, only fruits were small . A few years ago, I had three hybrids of L . peruvianum X L . esculentum made via periclinal chimera L . peruvianum + L . esculentum . Those plants also very much resembled the L . esculentum parent, and it was very difficult to ascertain that they were really hybrids . It seems therefore that dominance of L . esculentum characters probably did not depend on the direction of crossing . It is important to note that all such observations concerned hybrids with participation of the L . pervuianum genotype . I did not notice similar phenomena after crossing L . esculentum with L . hirsutum . It is yet too early to discuss reasons for the described phenomena; this intriguing problem needs further research . Lukyanenko, A . N . and M . E . Egioyan A new A new spontaneous mutant has been tomato mutant . found in the local line at Krimsk Plant Breeding Station of All - Union Institute of Plant Industry . Its phenotypical manifestation is the following: mutant plants have a tall indeterminate bush, a prolonged form of fruit (index 1 . 5 - 1 . 6) with a modified tip . At the tip of the fruit there is a hollow 5 - 10 mm deep from which an epiglottis extends . The form of the tip resembles a flower of the snapdragon ( Antirrhinum), hence the gene determining this trait is indicated by us with the anr symbol . The analysis of a number of crosses with the mutant showed this trait to be a recessive character . The gene is linked with sp + , hence it is probably on chromosome 6 . Pleiotropic action of the gene is a very weak joint of the fruit stem and a hollow fruit . The mutant is easily identified under field and greenhouse conditions . Martin, B . A . Experiments on the phos - Tomato plants homozygous for the phate deficiency syndrome mutant recessive phosphate deficiency ( pds) . (Submitted by C . M . Rick) syndrome allele (pds) exhibited what appeared to be severe phosphate deficiency symptoms, i . e . small stature, purple coloration, and chlorosis of older leaves when grown on supraoptimal concentrations of inorganic phosphate (Pi) (Rick, Zobel, Opeña 1970, TGC 20:52 - 54) . In addition, when pds/pds scions were grafted onto wild type root - stocks, the plants appeared phosphate deficient . When the reciprocal graft was made, wild type scion onto pds/pds root - stock, the plants grew normally (C . Rick and J . Fobes, personal communication) . This evidence suggested that pds/pds shoots were unable to produce a metabolite necessary for normal growth . The roots were either able to produce the metabolite or it was imported from normal leaves . Experiments were designed to determine whether the pds mutation was expressed in callus made from homozygous pds plants and to determine whether the pds allele is a lesion in either P - choline transport or metabolism since P - choline is the primary form of organic phosphate transported in the xylem sap of tomatoes . Further grafting