Miscellaneous linkage tests.

Rick, C. M.

The following unrelated tests are reported since they might be of interest in confirming previously suspected linkages and in assisting in placing loci on the maps.

Previous trisomic tests (TGC 10:37) indicated the presence of vg on chromosome 4 and of sd on 7. Linkage tests with markers on the respective chromosomes were facilitated by the use of combinations already available of e and mc in one stock and vg and sd in another. The segregation of 6 other genes in the F2 did not help much, but it was possible to work out the pertinent segregations in the field-grown F2. The indications of the trisomic tests were nicely confirmed by the vg-e and mc-ad linkages.

Recent progenies afforded an opportunity to test the sf-rv ocabination in coupling phase. It is interesting to note here that the frequency of sf is severely reduced presumably because coupling linkage forces it to do what rv does, whatever might be responsible for the reduced rv frequency. With such disturbed monogenic frequencies, the resultant estimates of linkage values are not very trustworthy--hence the discrepancy between the mean of 22.5 obtained for coupling phase and the previously reported 34.0 from repulsion.

In the process of synthesizing a multiple seedling marker stock for chromosome 2, a three-point test was obtained for aw-Me-wv. As revealed in the table below, the data are consistent with a locus of wv on the other side of Me from d\1. As the first seedling marker in this region, wv should prove useful.

Combination                                contingency      Mean
   m   t    Phase   + +   + t   m +   m t  Chi-square  Co.  co.
  vg - e    F2-R    201    77    91     3    23.56    21.0
  mc - sd   F2-R    189    92    88     3    29.81    19.0
  af - rv   F2-C    268    22    35    35    72.97    20.5  22.5
                    197    20    20    19    36.94    23.0
                    257    30    34    34    55.53    24.0
  wv - aw   F2-R    909   394   385    10   126.80    16.5  
  wv - Me   F2-C    102  1201   358    37  1048.06     7.5
  Me - aw   F2-C    453     7   841   397   170.91    12.5

The above linkage values, all derived from F2 data, suffer the same shortcomings of such sources. They should be regarded only as rough estimates, presently being of greater usefulness for detecting linkages and determining order of loci than for precisely determining loci.