For the period 1951-1960

Monogenic traits are listed under "mutant"; traits of uncertain inheritance are listed under "character." No attempt has been made to index all linkage segregations. Significant indications of linkage are listed under their respective chromosomes. Linkage tests for new mutants are indexed according to the symbol of the new mutant.

Acid Content                     
  variation among strains                          6:5   
                                           10:24; 10:25,26   
Allele Test                      
   au - brac                                       9:42  
   aw - incolorata                                 8:36  
   bk - mamilata                                   8:36  
   d\1 - rob^imm                                   8:36  
   gh - ab                                   6:32; 7:15  
   l - rub                                         8:36  
   ry - r                                          7:14  
   sl series                                       8:15  
   tf - tri                                        8:36  
   effect of hp\1, hp\2                            7:9   
Ascorbic Acid                                            
   effect of hp\1, hp\2                            7:9   
   improvement of                                  1:12  
   in hirsutum hybrids                             4:15  
Backcross, double method                           5:31  
Bacterial wilt, southern                           1:2   
     resistance                                    2:2   
Biochemical characters                                   
   various                                        10:24  
   delta carotene                                  6:28  
   effects of at, r, t                                   
     and compounds                                 5:18  
   effects of                                3:17; 4:15  
   effects of gh                                   6:32  
   effect of hp\1, hp\2                            7:9   
   effects of l\1                                  7:8   
   effects of a new gene                           6:28  
   effects of r and t                                    
     and compounds                                 4:15  
   effects of ry                                   6:33  
   effects of ry, at, r, t                         7:14  
   effects of t                              3:16; 8:14  
   effects of temperature                                
     on synthesis                                  3:17  
high Beta-carotene                                 6:29  
in green flesh mutant                              7:15  
Carotenoids (cont.)    
  in L. cheesmanii                                 6:23
  in r, t, at
     and combinations                              2:6
  in triple recessive
  at-r-t                                           6:16
  inheritance in variety
      Webb Special                                 6:30
  pigment biosynthesis                             8:14
  brown anthers                                    6:32
  chlorophyll deficiency                           9:50
  exserted carpels                                 6:32
  exserted styles                                  6:22
  fruit flesh white                                2:12
  fruit nipple tips                                4:18
  fruit purple tops                                4:17
  green jelly                                      2:12
  long pedicels                                   10:29
  pink gold fruits                                 2:13
  rooty stems                                      2:13
  superpuffed locules                              7:16
  wide calyx                                       1:5
Chemical mutagensis                                1:16
  radiation-ind uced                               6:10
  content of mutant,                               6:28
  enviromental effects                            10:17,27
  effect of hp\1, hp\2                             7:9
  Chromosome aberrations
  deficiencies                                      1:3
    radiation induced                               7:10
Chromosome abnormalities
    in sus                                          9:29
Chromosome morphology of
  Lycopersicon species                              1:3
Chromosome numbering
  system coordinated                                6:15
Chromosome structure
  in tomato varieties and 
    species                                         3:11
Chromosome structure (cont.)     
   variations in satellite                          3:10  
   homozygotizing effect                            9:30  
   methods of application                           6:14  
Cold resistance 2:12; 3:14;                         5:19   
Concentrates, tomato             
   inheritance studies                              5:14  
Consistency in tomato products   
   inheritance                                      5:14  
Convergent improvement of        
   ascorbic acid content                            1:12  
Conversion, gene somatic                            8:19  
Cross-pollination rates          
   in Chile-Peru                                    8:31  
   in Conn.                                         9:27  
   in Italy                                        10:26  
   in Mexico                                        3:18  
   in Puerto Rico                                   6:28  
Cross-pollination without        
   emasculation                                     1:15  
Culture methods, greenhouse                         1:16 
Cyphomandra betacea              
   grafts with tomato                               1:18 
Deficiencies, chromosomal                           1:3  
Diploid lines derived from       
   haploids                                         1:4  
   changes in sus                                   9:29 
     influence                                      9:40 
   heterosis for                                    2:4  
Emasculation, averted                               1:15 
Fasciation, stem                                    3:18 
Frost resistance                 
   see cold resistance           
Fruit consistency                
   evaluation of                                    4:10 
Fruit cracking resistance                           1:5  
                                         2:3; 5:16; 8:15 
                                  8:38; 9:32; 9:34; 9:40 
Fruit firmness                                     10:6  
Fruit locule number              
   relation to fruit weight                         4:11 
   inheritance                      3:10; 4:10,11; 10:6  
Fruit number inheritance                            9:49 
Fruit pigments                   
   general studies                                 10:28 
   see carotenoids               
Fruit ripening                   
   genetic control                                  2:7  
Fruit setting                    
   effect of temperature                            1:6  
                                              6:16; 9:28 
   morphological relationships                      9:28 
Fruit setting (cont.)
  relationship with
    fruit size                                     10:21
  use of indolebutyric and
 acids                                              3:22
Fruit shape, inheritance                       1:8; 3:10
Fruit size
    influence                                       9:40
  inheritance                             1:8; 7:3; 9:49
  intergeneric graft effects                        1:18
  methods of determining                            5:29
Fruit yield
  nature of gene action                             1:7
Galapagos accession
  description                                       7:12
Gametocide                                          9:47
Gene - see mutant
Gens lists                                     4:4; 9:6
Gene symbols, changes                         4:7; 10:3
Genetic background
  importance in segregation                         6:11
Germination, effect of dm                           9:36
Graft experiments
  chlorophyll deficiencies                         10:17
  cyphomandra-tomato                                1:18
  tomato and petunia                                9:43
  wd, modification of scions                         2:8
Growth-promoting substances
  effects on La/+                                    8:24
    use in fruit-setting                             3:22
Haploid lines, behavior of
  diploid derivatives                                1:4
  character components                               9:49
  combining ability in
    backcrosses                                      3:12
  evaluation                                         3:9
  in backcross of ps, a, c                           6:21
  interaction with nutrition                         2:4
  polygenetics                                       1:5
  phenotypic stability                               6:20
History of tomato uses                               5:5
Hybrid seed production                               1:15
  theoretical consideration                          8:34
  use of sl                                          8:18
Hybrids, interspecific
  see under respective species
Hybridizing, without
  emasculation                                       1:15
Incompatibility between
L. hirsutum and L.
    esculentum                                       2:13
Interspecific hybrids
  see under respective species
Jointless,  improved type                            9:39    
Late blight resistance                          1:2; 2:2     
                                         2:10; 3:25; 7:9     
Leaf mold                            
  resistance                                  5:19; 10:19    
    race names                                       6:13    
    Chromosome 1                              4:17;  5:7     
                                      8:11,11,26,38; 9:46    
    Chromosome 2                                2:8; 3:8,8,15,23
                                        4:9; 5:7,26; 8:26,28,29    
                                       9:23; 5:7,26; 8:26,28,29    
    Chromosome 3                           8:26,32; 10:37    
    Chromosome 4                                1:5; 8:33    
                                           9:41,44; 10:37    
    Chromosome 5                                    10:37    
    Chromosome 6                                5:7; 8:15,32,38    
                                           9:21,41; 10:16    
    Chromosome 7                                1:5; 3:21,23    
                                          5:22; 6:7; 8:30,32    
    Chromosome 8                         1:14; 3:23; 4:17    
                                         6:11,17,21; 8:26    
                                           9:19,45; 10:31,37,38    
    Chromosome 9                                     9:41    
    Chromosome 10                               4:9; 5:23    
                                           8:21,38; 10:11,20    
    Chromosome 11                                    9:41    
    Group V                               1:5; 5:21; 6:6,7,24   
                                  8:11,26,28; 9:25; 10:34,38    
    coordinated study                           6:3; 7:2     
                                          8:7; 9:5; 10:4     
    detection by roguing method                      8:26 
    maps                                 6:26; 8:8; 10:5     
    screening method                                 7:4     
    tests for genes of unknown       
    ae                      9:21  
    af                 8:9; 9:19  
    ag                 4:9; 5:22  
    ah                      8:33  
    ai                      9:21  
    ao                      9:21  
    au                8:11; 9:46  
    bi                      5:22  
    cb                      1:10  
    cf series               5:19  
    ch                     10:31  
                       (*) 10:37  
    cm                      8:12  
    Cu                      8:30  
    d\2                     9:21  
    dil                    10:34  
    dl                3:23; 4:17  
    dv                 3:23; 4:17    
    ds                       8:28    
    ff                      10:35    
    Fw                       5:22    
    gf                 6:16; 8:21    
    gh                       6:6     
    gs                 6:13; 8:11    
                        (*) 10:37    
    hl                       2:2     
    bp (bs,dr)               5:20    
    ht                 9:42;10:30    
    int                     10:19    
    j                   1:5; 2:3     
    pro               blem   6:24    
    j\2                     10:34    
    l\2                6:17; 8:21            
Linkage (cont.)
  La                  6:19; 10:38   
  lg                    2:2; 4:9      
  ls                   8:22; 8:37    
  lut                       10:38          
  M\345                      8:9           
  mc                         1:5           
  md                         9:21          
  Me                         8:28          
  Mi                         8:15          
  ms\3, ms\5,                
  ms\6, ms\7,                
  ms\8, ms\9,                8:25          
  ms\11, ms\12               
  ms\13, ms\15               
  ms\10                 2:8; 3:8      
  ms\17                      9:45          
  n                          1:5           
  na                        10:38          
  nc                         1:5           
  nd                    8:9; 9:19     
  neg                       10:38          
  nv                         9:28          

   Od                    (*)10:37        
  op                        10:19          
  pe                         2:2           
  pg                         9:21          
  pr                         4:9
  pro                       10:38
  ps                    3:8; 3:15
  pt                         9:21
  ra                        10:38
  ro                         4:09
  rv(*)                3:23; 4:17
  sd(*)                     10:37
  sf                         8:33
  sl\1                       8:12
  sub                       10:38
  suf                       10:38
  sy                         9:21
  tf                   3:11; 3:23
                       4:17; 8:30
  Tm\2                       9:28
  va^virg                   10:38
  Ve                         9:44
  vg(*)                     10:37
  vi                         2:2
  Wo^m                       5:25
  wv                   1:5; 10:32
  y(*)                       4:17 
  yg\2                 9:19; 10:11
  yg\3                        9:21
Locule - see fruit
  yg\4                   8:9; 9:19
  yo                         10:10
  yv                    3:23; 4:17
L. cheesmanii,
  cultural experience                                8:20  
  description                                        6:23
L. chilense
  compatibility with
L. peruvianum                                        3:14,21
  self-incompatibility                              10:24
  source of new carotenoid
    character                                        6:28
L. esculenlum var. minor
  L. cheesmanii                                      6:23
L. glandulosum, sources of
  high Beta-carotene                                 6:29
L. hirsutum
  chromosome structure                               5:15
  disease resistance                                 3:25
  fertility relations                                1:3
  hybrids between varieties                          6:28
  hybrids with L.
  esculentum                              1:3; 2:13; 3:17
                                               4:18; 5:27

                                       (*)  trisomic test

L. peruvianum                              
  chromosome structure                               5:15     
  compatibility between                                       
    varieties                                        3:21     
  hybrids with L.                          
    esculentum                        3:10,16; 4:18; 5:29     
  intervarietal compatibility                        3:14     
  self-incompatibility                         1:10; 3:14     
  sterile mutant                                     4:15     
L. peruvianum v. dentatum                  
  hybrids with L. esculentum                         2:11     
L. pimpinellifolium                        
  accession from Galapagos                           4:16     
  acid content                                      10:24     
  chromosome structure                               5:15     
  sugar or content                                   3:6      
Male-sterile mutant sl                               3:6      
Male sterility                             
  attempts to induce by                    
    chemical treatment                               5:16     
  seed production isolation                          9:45    
  see mutants - ms series                  
   Ithaca           1952                             3:3     
   Gainesville      1954                             5:3     
   Stanford         1957                             8:3     
   Montreal         1958                             9:3     
   Bloomington      1958                             9:4     
   Penn State       1959                            10:3     
Meloidogyne incognita                                5:15    
   see nematodes                           
Matagensis, chemical                           1:16; 5:16    
   see radiation chemicals                 
Mutant, irregular segregation                        7:5,6        
Mutant, description                         
  a\342                       9:21             
  ae                          9:21      
  af                          8:9       
  ag                          4:9       
  ah                          8:33      
  ao                          9:21      
  ap                          1:15      
  as\6                        8:14      
  at                          2:7       
  bg                          8:38      
  bi inter-             
  with f                
  and j\1                     5:21      
  bl                          6:22      
  bn                          8:20      
  Bt                          8:38      
  btl                    5:5; 9:48      
  cb                          1:10    
  ch                         10:31    
  Cl\1                        1:15    
  cl\2                        1:15    
  cm, in tropical    
    tomatoes                  8:27    
  cr                          8:38    
  cs                          5:17    
  Cu                          5:32    
  curly-leaf                  1:16    
  dark-green                  1:16    
  d^x                         4:16    
  d^x root           
  culture                     8:23    
  d2                          9:21    
  ds                          8:28    
  dv                          3:23    
  ex                          1:15    
  fl                          2:13    
  Fw                          5:22    
  gf                    6:16; 8:22      
  gh (ab)                     6:5       
  gp\1, gp\2                 10:28      
  gq                          6:22      
  gr                          8:22      
  gs                          1:9       
  hl                          2:2       
  hp  (bs,dr)           
                        5:20; 7:8       
                      10:18; 10:28        
  ht                          9:42      
  j                           5:26      
  j-lf                        2:10      
  j\1   1:13;                 8:36      
  j\1 (lf)                    2:3       
  j\2                         6:23      
  l\1                         7:8       
  l\2                         6:17      
  La                          6:19      
  La effect of          
   growth sub-          
   stances                    8:24      
  La homozy-                            
   gous                       8:24      
   albino                     4:19      
  lg                          4:9       
  Lo                          8:38      
  ls                     5:6; 8:18      
  M\345                       8:9       
  mc                     2:5; 8:36      
  mc, relation          
   of pollen            
   and ovule            
  Me                          5:18      
  Mi                          5:15      
  mo                     8:9;10:12      
  ms\15                       3:20      
  ms\16                       3:20      
  ms\17                       3:20      
  ms\18                       3:20      
  ms\19                       5:17      
  ms\20                       5:17      
  ms\21                       5:17      
  ms\22                       5:17      
  ms\23                       6:26      
  ms\24                       6:26      
  ms\25-32                   10:35      
  nc                          1:5       
  nd                    8:9; 10:12      
  new green
   trait                      7:15
  Nr                    6:22; 8:22
  nv                    7:13; 8:35
  Od                         10:37
  partial chloro-
    phyll defi-
    ciency                    7:13
  pa                         10:12
  pe                          2:2
  pg                          9:21
  pi                          1:15
  pr                          4:9
  ps, environ-
    effect                    3:14
  pt                          9:21
  ra                          8:38
  ri                    7:13; 8:35
  ro                          4:9
  rv                          3:23
  ry                          7:14
  sd                          6:22
  sf                          8:33
  sl                          3:6
  sl  series                  5:17
  to +                       10:18
  series                      8:17
  sulf                        8:19
  sy                          9:21
  t pigment
    effects                   3:16
    color                     2:12
  t^v                  6:17; 10:22
  tf                    3:10; 3:23
   u                          2:7
  ug                          2:7
  un-named                    1:16
  variegated                  7:10
  vg                          1:15
  virescent                   6:28
  w\2                   4:14; 5:20
  wd                          2:8
  wd root
    culture                   8:23
  Wo dosage
    effects in
    poly-                     2:11
  ploids                      3:25
  Wo^m                        5:25
  Wo^v                        7:13   
    survival                  5:28         
  wv                         10:32         
   gene                      10:27  
  yg\2                        8:9          
  yg\3                        9:21         
  yg\4                        8:9          
  yv                          3:23        
  importance of genetic                             
    background                                       6:11         
    L. peruvianum                                    3:14         
    phenotypic similarities                         
      radiation-induced                              6:29         
    phenotypic stability of                         
      heterozygotes                                  6:20         
Mutation rate                                        3:7          
Mutants, repeated                                                 
    ah, ps, r                                        8:31         
    e                                                9:51         
    r, wf, y                                        10:22         
    control of secondary                            
      organisms                                      1:6          
    resistance                            5:15; 6:5; 8:15         
    interaction with heterosis                       2:4          
    committee report                            4:2; 9:6          
    coordination of                                 
       chromosome numbering                          6:15         
Pectin content                                      
    assay method                                     2:5          
    estimation by consistency                       
       test                                          4:10       
Pedigree of commercial                             
    varieties                                        9:37       
Periclinal chimera                                  
    triple (n-2n-4n)                                 5:7        
Pleiotropy                                           8:36       
    collector improved                              10:23       
    effect of temperature on                        
       behavior                                      6:16       
    freeze-drying of                                10:15       
    genetic differences in                          
       temperature response                          6:16       
    storage life                                    10:15       
Pollen germination                                  
    effect of radiation                              8:13       
    medium                                           8:13       
Pollen tube growth                                  
    genetic differences                              5:6        
    measure of pollen viability                     
Pollen tubes
  observation of growth in
    styles                                    9:38; 10:14
  staining                                           9:38
Pollen viability                              1:11; 10:14
  inheritance                                 2:7;  10:18

  dosage effects of Wo                               3:25
  effect on sugar content                            3:6
  expression of Wo                                   2:11
  induction in PMC 6:14
  L. peruvianum hybrids                              3:16
  method of treating
    seedlings                                        6:14
  periclinal chimera                                 5:7
Powdery mildew
  tests for resistance                               5:14
Primitive accession from
Galapagos                                            7:12
Provitamin A see carotenoids
Quantitative inheritance
  effect of genotype and     
    environment                                      4:11
  fruit characters                             1:7,8;4:10,11
                                   7:4; 7:11; 9:40; 10:6
  general                                            9:49
  delayed appearance of w\2                          5:20
  effect on pollen
    germination                                      8:13
  effects on seed germination
    of thermal neutrons and
    X-rays                                      3:6; 5:21
  effect on variability
    and selection                                    9:33
  effects gamma rays
    thermal neutrons                                 8:39
  induced beneficial
    mutations                                        7:11
  induced chromosome changes                         1:3
  induced genetic
    instabilities                                    6:8
  induced mutants                            4:9,14; 6:17,19
                                        6:29; 7:5,6; 8:19,24
                                        9:29,37,51; 10:22,40
  induced ring of 4
    chromosomes                                      6:18
  induced trisomics                                  7:6
  induced variegation                                7:10
  intrasomatic selection                             9:20
  mutagenic effect of
    thermal neutrons                                 6:9
Radiation (cont.)                           
  radioactive isotopes                        6:18; 10:22          
  use in breeding                                    6:10           
Root culture
  wd, d^x and normal alleles                         8:23
Root knot - see Nematodes                   
Sckerotium rolfsii                          
  resistance                                         8:39           
Seed germination                            
  effects of radiation                          3:6; 5:21          
Seed weight inheritance                              5:28           
twin                                                 9:31           
  abnormal in gil                                    9:37
  importance of genetic
    background                                       6:11
Selection, intrasomatic.                             9:20
Selection efficiency
    interaction                                      9:40
Self incompatobility
  in L. chilense and hybrids                         10:24
    with L. escelentum                               1:10
  in L. peruvianum vars                              3:14
Sesquidiploid hybrids
  L.esculentum x L.
Southern blight resistance
Southern tomato exchange
  program                                            8:5
Species hybrids
  see respective species
 due to loss of nuclear wall                         4:15
Sugar content inheritance
Tobacco mosaic resistance                            7:8
                                        8:35; 9:46; 10:13
Tomato breeders group                                8:4
Trisomies induced by
  radiation                                          7:6
Translocations                           1:3; 6:18; 10:12
  linkage group                                1:14; 3:21
    identification                             4:17; 8:32
                                              9:41; 10:37
  methods                                            5:24
  seedling identification                            5:24
Twin seedlings                                       9:31
Solanum pennellii hybrids                           10:31
  miniature                                          2:5
Varieties (cont.)
  monogenic characters in                            9:37
  pedigrees                                          9:37
  Webb Special - source                              6:22
Webb Special - source                                6:22
Verticillum resistance                               9:44
Virus, resistance in
L. hirsutum                                          3:25
Viscosity method for
  pectin content                                     2:5
Vitamin C - see ascorbic acid
  influence                                          9:40