University of Florida

The Tomato Genetics Cooperative is a group of over 100 researchers from 21 countries around the globe who share an interest in tomato genetics and have organized informally for the purpose of exchanging information, germplasm, and genetic stocks.  Members are encouraged to submit reports on diverse topics such as new traits or mutants isolated, new cultivars or germplasm developed, interspecific transfer of traits, studies of gene function or control, and tissue culture.  Submission of articles involving other Solanaceous species that may be relevant is also encouraged and includes those involving comparison maps, orthologous genes, and etc.  See the Submissions page for details.

     In addition to the member reports, the annual Report of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative includes announcements and updates of linkage maps and available materials.  TGC membership entitles you to the current Report and the opportunity to publish in the Report at no additional cost. 
See the
Membership page for details.