Greenleaf, W.H., J.L. Turner and K.S. Rymal. 1977. Auburn 76FMN, a fusarium wilt, tobacco mosaic virus, root-knot nematode resistant tomato variety. Auburn Agric. Expt. Sta. Circ. 235. AUBURN 7 6F MN Pedigree:   Characteristics: Fruit: red, deep oblate, 4.3-5.6 oz. ug, smooth, crack resistant. Quality attributes-, pH 4.0-4.4, soluble solids 4.4-5.2% total acidity 0.42%, ascorbic acid 27 mg/100 g. Plant: sp+, I, Tm2a , Mi, vigorous. Medium early cultivar for home gardens and market. Breeding line for multiple disease resistance.

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