Crill, Pat, H. H. Bryan, P. H. Everett, J.A. Bartz, J. P. Jones and R.F. Matthews. 1977. Floramerica, a widely adapted, multiple disease resistant, fresh market tomato. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. S-248. FLORAMERICA (Florida Hybrid) Characteristics Fruit: Large (6-11 oz.), dark red globe, smooth green shoulders, mean fruit quality attributes: pH 4.25, soluble solids 5 .6%, titratable acidity (CAE) 0.47%, ascorbic acid 15.9 mg/100 g, beta carotene 0.36 mg/100 g. Plant- Vigorous determinate (sp) of medium maturity. Disease resistance and tolerance: Monogenic resistance to fusarium (races 1 & 2), Sm, Cf and crown rot. Tolerance to early blight, Ve, TMV blossom-end rot and bacterial soft rot. Free of following genetic diseases and disorders: fruit pox, gold fleck, autogenous necrosis, catface, black shoulder, concentric cracking. Extremely wide range of adaptability. Fruit firmness adequate for home garden, roadside market, and "U-Pick" operations but requires special handling for shipping trade.

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