Palmieri,  S.,  P.  Martiniello,  and  G.  P.  Soressi Chlorophyll  and  carotene  content  in  high pigment and green flesh fruits. Fruits  of  the  hp,  hp-2  and  gf  mutants,  six  days after the turning stage, were analyzed by liquid chromatography   for   chlorophyll   and   carotene content  in  comparison  with  the  normal  (+/+) ones. The hp-2 fruits show the highest lycopene and β -carotene content (respectively 2 and 3 times the normal). The chlorophyll level reaches the maximum in hp-2 and gf fruits. Possibly in these  two mutants the chlorophyll pigment is not similarly distributed in the mesocarp and exocarp of the fruit and evolves in different ways.   Palmieri,  S.,  P.  Martiniello,   and  G.  P.  Soressi Effect    of    some    never   ripe    genes    on carotene   and   chlorophyll   content   of   the fruit. The nor 2, nor 3, Nr and rin mutants affect both   the   pigment   synthesis   and   the   ripening process  of  the  fruit.  On  the  basis  of  liquid chromatography and photometric analysis in all mutant fruits, except nor3 , 6-8 days after the turning stage, the lycopene synthesis appears slowed down, and the a- and B -carotene content has not yet reached the maximum value; besides the S-carotene content seems higher than normal. The presence  of  a-  and  B-carotene,  notwithstanding  the  lycopene  synthesis  generally  reduced  or completely  lacking  as  in  rin/rin  fruit,  leads  to  the  hypothesis  of  their  synthesis  being  independent from  the  lycopene  as  a  substrate.  The  provitamin  A  of  the  mutant  berries,  when  completely  ripe, proximates  the  content  of  the  test.  Studies  on  the  determination  of  the -carotene  content  are  in progress. Parker, P. F. A survey of low temperature germination. A  total  of  110  cultivars  were  tested  over  a range of temperatures from 10°C to 25°C, using two replicates at each temperature. Li- mited cabinet space necessitated sequential sowings using an outdoor cultivar 'First-in-the-Field' (A. 5102 Asmer Seeds Limited). The table gives those cultivars that performed best in relation to the control. Anovar of the control   for   the   two   characteristics   'days   from   sowing   to   germination'   and   'duration   of germination'  showed  significant  differences  between  sowings;  for  this  reason  the  figures  for  the control are included with each experiment. Further studies relating to repeatability both within and between accessions, selection for, and genetic analysis of the L.T.G. characteristic are in progress.

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